The Honey Bees
Welcome to the honey bees! We invite you to look around our hive. We have all kinds of great things we know you will love. You can buy our bee products, watch
videos about us, learn things about us that you don't know, get wonderful wallpaper pictures of us for your computer and more! We hope you have fun, please enjoy our hive and
if you need anything, please feel free and email us with any questions or comments that you might have. We look forward to hearing from you!
"For so work the honey bees, creatures that by a rule in nature teach the act of order to a peopled kingdom."
William Shakespeare
We have many new things planned in the future so be sure and bookmark us and check back often. We know you won't want to miss all the buzz!
We will be looking to raise money for research and help the bee keepers replace their hives. We would like to create awareness about what is
going on and educate people on pesticies and the genetic modifcation processes going on now within our food supply. We know you will find this information
as shocking as we did. We help you will join us in our crusade to save the honey bees!